Monday, September 30, 2019

Psychology and Behavior

1. Abstract The research area is classroom management, and specifically dealing with student’s behavior problems in a real classroom situation. It is universally recognized that the teacher is the key person in an education system and a well-managed classroom can provide an exciting and dynamic learning experience for everyone involved. The main objective of the research is to identify approaches for managing student behavior in order to apply valuable ways to achieve effective and positive classroom management.The present research was cross-sectional, and researcher used this type of research because it can be both qualitative and quantitative. Researcher hence endeavors to collect information from a smaller group or subset of the population in such a way that knowledge gained is representative of total population of the study. 2. Introduction Statement of the research is â€Å"Student Behavior Problems† The present research was cross-sectional as the researcher focuse d on one particular point. The major advantage of cross-sectional research is that data can be collected from different type of people in a short time period.The researcher used this type of research because it can be both qualitative and quantitative. The Researcher used non-probability sampling for this study. The sampling framework which suited the research was convenience sampling. The researcher used the questionnaire survey and classroom observation as research tool. 2. 1. Research Problem How should a teacher deals with students’ behavior problems in a practical classroom situation? 2. 2. Sampling Detail When defining the population upon which the research is to be focused, the researcher must take sampling decisions in the overall planning of the research.Due to the factors of expense, time and accessibility it may not be possible or practical to obtain measures from a population. Researchers, hence endeavor to collect information from a smaller group or subset of the population in such a way that knowledge gained is representative of total population of the study. The Researcher used non-probability sampling for this study. The sampling framework which suited the research was convenience sampling. It involves the nearest convenient individuals to serve as respondents and continuing the process until the required sample size has been obtained.Non-probability sampling is best suited for a small scale survey. It’s far less complicated to set up, less expensive and adequate if researchers don’t intend to generalize the findings beyond the sample in question. The researcher visited 5 English medium schools for questionnaire survey and classroom observation, which were located in urban area of Lahore city. All the schools were private and all girls’ institutions. The researcher observed the students of Grade 7th in the real classroom situation and tried to assess the ways teachers can control/minimize misbehavior in their classro oms.The total number of sample population was 60 students. Age of the students was 12-13 years old. Next chapter talks about the literature review. 3. Literature Review 3. 1. What Is Classroom Management? Classroom management is a term used by teachers to describe the process of ensuring that classroom lessons run smoothly despite disruptive behavior by students. The term also implies the prevention of disruptive behavior. It is possibly the most difficult aspect of teaching for many teachers and indeed experiencing problems in this area causes some to leave teaching altogether. Canter. 1997) Teachers feel overwhelmed and â€Å"powerless† in dealing with behavior problems in their classrooms. Canter (1997) pointed out that in the past, a simple stem look or warning was sufficient to shape up a classroom. â€Å"Misbehavior,† as Doyle contends, â€Å"is any action by one or more students that threatens to disrupt the activity flow or pull the class toward a program of a ction that threatens the safety of the group or violates norm of appropriate classroom behavior held by the teacher, the students, or the school's staff† (Doyle, 1986; p. 396). 3. . The Emphasis in Classroom Management 3. 3. Influences on Classroom Management: According to Emmer and Stough (2001), some studies have used student achievement or attitude as outcomes. But most classroom management research today has been concerned with identifying how teachers bring about student engagement with each other and limit the disruptions in the classroom. The following account will summarize the work of some important behavior theorists and in turn will identify the influences that each has made on classroom behavior and management. 3. 3. 1.Burrhus Frederick Skinner Burrhus Frederick Skinner's philosophies can be related to the issue of classroom management. Skinner (Sprinthall, 1981) emphasized his research on how the organism learns, regardless of its inherited potential, regardless o f its stage of physical or psychological development, and often regardless of its species. In regards to the classroom, Skinner (Conte, 1994) stated that by rewarding students for good behavior and ignoring or punishing wrong behavior, students would come to understand how to behave in a classroom environment. . 3. 2. William Glasser Glasser's Reality Therapy (Emmer and Stough, 2001) stressed the use of choice as the cause of behavior, good or bad, and thus instructed teachers to direct students towards making value judgments about their behavior. By making value judgments, students would come to realize the importance of â€Å"good† choices in behavior and continue to make them again in the future. Therefore, students were taught the difference between a â€Å"good judgment†, and a â€Å"bad judgment.In today's classrooms, rewards are given for â€Å"good choices† and consequences are given for â€Å"bad choices†. This process t is used to promote good behavior and diminish bad behavior in the classroom. 3. 3. 3. Jacob Kounin Jacob Kounin and his colleagues engaged in substantial classroom management research. His work focused on determining whether specific behavior settings and environmental conditions influenced behavior. He also identified a set of teacher behaviors and lesson characteristics, including, wittiness, smoothness, momentum, overlapping and group alerting.These characteristics would describe a teacher who knew what was going on at all times in the classroom and was able to deal with more than one issue or problem at a time. Kounin (Conte, 1994) thought teachers who could be that â€Å"aware† would be better managers of children in the classroom. 3. 3. 4. Abraham H. Maslow Maslow's research on hierarchy of needs has also influenced effective classroom management. Helping students meet their own needs is of the utmost importance to enhance student learning opportunities and to maintain teacher longevity in the classroom.Maslow (as cited in Sprinthall, 1981, p. 327) an important psychologist in the area of motivation theory, has suggested that there is a definite order in which individuals attempt to satisfy their needs. Maslow had declared there is an â€Å"order-of-importance† that is universal among all humans. Herbert Grossman (Gordon, 2001) recaps students' basic needs and the order which those needs must be met to produce well balanced members of society. 3. 4. Role of Teacher as Classroom Manager:According to Honeyford (1982) a major limiting factor in any classroom is the teacher; not only do his character, personality and competence play a large part in determining the atmosphere of the lesson, the sort of relationships which exist, the styles of communication and the rules and regulations governing the formalities, but the teacher also performs a key role in influencing the pupils’ view of himself and the sort of progress he/she makes. Successful classroom manageme nt has been defined as producing a high rate of work involvement with a low rate of deviancy in academic settings (Laslett and Smith, 1984).Well-managed classrooms did not result from magic, but that carefully established and maintained procedures should be at work (Sadker and Sadker, 1997). 3. 4. 1. Time management skill Academic learning time in the classroom has emerged as an important variable. Studies have shown that the amount of on-task behavior can vary as much as 40 percent from one classroom to the next. Even how quickly a teacher calls the class to order can vary all the way from one to ten minutes. Thus, how fficiently you have your lessons, how long you take to get started, how you handle digressions, off-task behavior, discipline and how you handle transitions will have an effect on student learning(Walberg,1988). 3. 4. 2. Seating arrangement Arrangements of space and furniture in ways that bunch students together or obstruct the teacher’s view make it more diff icult for a teacher to detect behavior task initiations early (Duke and Rehage, 1979). Seating arrangement must depend on the type of lesson to be taught, and the type of classroom furniture.Proper arrangement of furniture also contributes to the functionality of classrooms. Furniture is arranged so that students are oriented to the primary source or sources of information (e. g. , the teacher, audio-visual materials), while at the same time having access to other sources of activities (e. g. , work areas, computers) without disturbing in the classroom (Nitsaisook and Anderson, 1989). According to Anderson (1991) desks, chairs and tables can be arranged in a variety of ways; light and temperature can be increased or decreased. 3. 4. 3. Discipline in the classroomCallahan (1996) asserts that the best classroom environment is one that results in efficient learning. Discipline involves employing guidance and teaching techniques to encourage students to become self directive and thus to create an atmosphere conducive to learning. A teacher establishes classroom rules either with his or her students or before the school year begins. Rules are best if they are few in number, simple and easy to understand, and fair. Also rules should be posted in the classroom for all to see, and the teacher should go over the rules on the first day of school. 3. 4. 4.Dealing with disruptive students In order to handle misbehaving student, the following suggestions may prove helpful: †¢Deal with the present, current problem immediately, not with the past instances of the student misbehavior. †¢Talk to the student directly, instead of talking about him with others. †¢Don’t be harsh and provoked. Stay calm and address firmly. Anger, empty threats and physical handling must be avoided. †¢If the student’s misbehavior is impeding the teacher in teaching, â€Å"1statements† be used by explaining to the student why you are upset by his behavior. 3. 4 . 5. Exhibit Assertive BehaviorAssertive behavior differs significantly from both passive behavior and aggressive behavior. This researcher Emmer elaborates that teacher’s display assertive behavior in the classroom when they: †¢Use assertive body language by maintaining an erect posture, facing the offending student but keeping enough distance so as not to appear threatening and matching the facial expression with the content of the message being presented to students. †¢Use an appropriate tone of voice, speaking clearly and deliberately in a pitch that is slightly but not greatly elevated from normal classroom speech, avoiding any display of emotions in the voice. Persist until students respond with the appropriate behavior. Do not ignore an inappropriate behavior; do not be diverted by a student denying, arguing, or blaming, but listen to legitimate explanations. 3. 5. Addressing Problematic Student Behavior Reports of problematic behaviors are on the rise nation ally in Pakistan, not only in the classroom but in society at large (Kowalski, 2003). Some of these immature, irritating, or thoughtless behaviors or â€Å"classroom incivilities† include: †¢Lateness or leaving early †¢Side conversations †¢Disregard for deadlines Grade grubbing †¢Sniping remarks †¢Cheating These behaviors are not just instructors’ pet peeves; they have real costs including: †¢Distracting other students and instructor in class †¢Reducing student participation †¢Lowering other students' and instructor’s motivation in or out of class †¢Affecting fairness in grading †¢Using instructor time unproductively †¢Feeling disrespected as a fellow learner or authority figure 3. 6. Possible Causes: In order to limit or deal effectively with these behaviors, it is important to understand the factors that cause or facilitate them. . 6. 1. Attention Dreikurs believed that most students start misbehaving by s eeking attention, and when this fails, they move on to more problematic goal-seeking behaviors, such as power. 3. 6. 2. Power Some students don't hesitate to take a stand on matters important to them and are often disruptive and confrontational in reaching their goal. 3. 6. 3. Revenge Some students compensate for real or imagined hurt feelings and they target teacher or students for revenge. Revenge may come in the form of a physical and/or psychological attack. 3. 6. . Avoidance of Failure Wanting to avoid repeated failure, some students appear to be discouraged and helpless. This phenomenon, described as â€Å"learned helplessness† by psychologists, is characteristic of students who fail needlessly because they do not invest their best efforts. `3. 7. Possible Strategies: Sorcinelli (2002) suggests 4 principles to reduce incivilities. The principles are broad and so each one can be used to generate several concrete strategies. 3. 7. 1. Define expectations at the outset. â⠂¬ ¢Make good use of the first day of class.Use the first day to create the right climate for productive interaction. †¢Allow student participation in setting ground rules. Having students participate in setting the rules for classroom behavior and interaction 3. 7. 2. Decrease anonymity †¢Engage students one-on-one. Use the time right before and after class to make small talk with students. Ask about the weekend, or the homework, or common interests. †¢Learn and use names consistently and let students know that you are trying to memorize their names in the first weeks. 3. 7. 3. Encourage active learning.Meaningful engagement has obvious benefits for student learning and performance, but it can also bring some side benefits with respect to student behavior in the classroom. In fact, Sorcinelli (1991) points out that in classes that use active learning effectively, students †¢Feel more responsible for coming to class, and coming prepared †¢Pay more attention in class †¢Feel more responsible for their learning. The next chapter deals with research methodology. 4. Research Methodology In this chapter of research methodology, researcher has talked about the main research questions, research instruments and procedure. . 1. Research Questions: The present study focused on the following two questions: 4. 1. 1. How can the teacher maintain positive student behavior in the classrooms? 4. 1. 2. How far do the classroom rules have a significant effect on student’s behavior? 4. 2. Participants When defining the population upon which the research is to be focused, the researcher must take sampling decisions in the overall planning of the research. Due to the factors of expense, time and accessibility it may not be possible or practical to obtain measures from a population.Researchers, hence endeavor to collect information from a smaller group or subset of the population in such a way that knowledge gained is representative of total popu lation of the study. The Researcher used non-probability sampling for this study. The sampling framework which suited the research was convenience sampling. It involves the nearest convenient individuals to serve as respondents and continuing the process until the required sample size has been obtained. Non-probability sampling is best suited for a small scale survey.It’s far less complicated to set up, less expensive and adequate if researchers don’t intend to generalize the findings beyond the sample in question. The researcher visited 5 English medium schools for questionnaire survey and classroom observation, which were located in urban area of Lahore city. All the schools were private and all girls’ institutions. The researcher observed the students of Grade 7th in the real classroom situation and tried to assess the ways teachers can control/minimize misbehavior in their classrooms. The total number of sample population was 60 students.Age of the students was 12-13 years old. 4. 3. Research Instruments: The researcher used two tools. 4. 3. 1. Questionnaire Survey Questionnaires were used by the researcher to obtain the required data. It was an easier way to get relevant data from a large population. The researcher distributed questionnaires among 30 teachers and asked them to fill in their responses. The questionnaire was piloted before it was given to the participants. The questionnaires were administered to middle school teachers and the responds were examined. In this way data was collected from English medium schools of Lahore.Questionnaire contain 20 questions, among them 15 questions are close ended and 5 questions are open ended. Questionnaires can provide quantitative data using closed (or fixed-response) questions, where the respondent is presented with a number of alternative responses to a question and asked to mark the one that they feel is most appropriate. Researcher has used licked scale for this, which include five op tions such as strongly agree, agree, neutral, disagree and strongly disagree. Closed questions have been criticised for forcing people to choose their answer from the alternatives provided rather than answering in their own words.Qualitative data can be gathered using open (or free-response) questions to which respondents are asked to write their own answer 4. 3. 2. Classroom Observation Classroom Observation was undertaken in order to get a proper insight into the problem being explored. The researcher undertook four classroom observations that are widely used to measure changes in classroom behaviors. Classroom observation is confidential and it is an objective recording of what the instructor is doing and saying, what the students are doing and saying and interactions between the instructor and students.The researcher visited 5 different schools, and observed the students of Grade 7th in the real classroom situation. Classroom observation as a research and evaluation method can p rovide reliable and valid data on how teachers and students behave in the classroom before and after an intervention. It will explain the criteria for selecting an appropriate classroom observation protocol and examine under what circumstances classroom observation protocols can be used effectively.In the context of the current study special emphasis was placed on the use of classroom observation to examine how the teacher dealt with problematic students in the real classroom situation. 4. 4. Pilot Testing Both the research instruments, questionnaire and classroom observation was piloted before it was given to the participants. 4. 5. Ethical Considerations The information provided by the participants should remain confidential. For this purpose of confidentiality, informed consent form was signed by all the participants before the study was started. 4. 6. ProcedureThe researcher distributed questionnaires among 30 teachers and asked them to fill in their responses. The questionnaire s were administered to middle school teachers and the responds were examined. In this way data was collected from English medium schools of Lahore. Researcher distributed questionnaire among participants and collect the filled questionnaires from them next day. Researchers left the questionnaires with the participants and give them time of one day, so that they can have enough time to fill them. 5. Analysis For the coding of data, researcher runs spss. . Conclusion The effective use of behavioral and cognitive strategies in the classroom may appear daunting even to experienced teachers. The purpose of this research was to determine which management techniques and practices were most effective in the classroom in controlling student behavior, based upon critical analysis of the research literature. The aim of the research was to enable students to develop the knowledge, skills and attitudes about classroom management and the objective was to identify approaches for managing student b ehavior.However, changing your behavior and strategies is often the most efficient and effective means of improving all types of classroom behaviors, both disruptive and non-disruptive. So is has been concluded after the research that teachers first need to understand these problems regarding students behavior and then try to find solutions by seeing the world through the eyes of their students. And then developing and using a set of intervention strategies on a regular basis, problems of emotions and behavior can be effectively managed and changed in the classroom. Psychology and Behavior 1. Abstract The research area is classroom management, and specifically dealing with student’s behavior problems in a real classroom situation. It is universally recognized that the teacher is the key person in an education system and a well-managed classroom can provide an exciting and dynamic learning experience for everyone involved. The main objective of the research is to identify approaches for managing student behavior in order to apply valuable ways to achieve effective and positive classroom management.The present research was cross-sectional, and researcher used this type of research because it can be both qualitative and quantitative. Researcher hence endeavors to collect information from a smaller group or subset of the population in such a way that knowledge gained is representative of total population of the study. 2. Introduction Statement of the research is â€Å"Student Behavior Problems† The present research was cross-sectional as the researcher focuse d on one particular point. The major advantage of cross-sectional research is that data can be collected from different type of people in a short time period.The researcher used this type of research because it can be both qualitative and quantitative. The Researcher used non-probability sampling for this study. The sampling framework which suited the research was convenience sampling. The researcher used the questionnaire survey and classroom observation as research tool. 2. 1. Research Problem How should a teacher deals with students’ behavior problems in a practical classroom situation? 2. 2. Sampling Detail When defining the population upon which the research is to be focused, the researcher must take sampling decisions in the overall planning of the research.Due to the factors of expense, time and accessibility it may not be possible or practical to obtain measures from a population. Researchers, hence endeavor to collect information from a smaller group or subset of the population in such a way that knowledge gained is representative of total population of the study. The Researcher used non-probability sampling for this study. The sampling framework which suited the research was convenience sampling. It involves the nearest convenient individuals to serve as respondents and continuing the process until the required sample size has been obtained.Non-probability sampling is best suited for a small scale survey. It’s far less complicated to set up, less expensive and adequate if researchers don’t intend to generalize the findings beyond the sample in question. The researcher visited 5 English medium schools for questionnaire survey and classroom observation, which were located in urban area of Lahore city. All the schools were private and all girls’ institutions. The researcher observed the students of Grade 7th in the real classroom situation and tried to assess the ways teachers can control/minimize misbehavior in their classro oms.The total number of sample population was 60 students. Age of the students was 12-13 years old. Next chapter talks about the literature review. 3. Literature Review 3. 1. What Is Classroom Management? Classroom management is a term used by teachers to describe the process of ensuring that classroom lessons run smoothly despite disruptive behavior by students. The term also implies the prevention of disruptive behavior. It is possibly the most difficult aspect of teaching for many teachers and indeed experiencing problems in this area causes some to leave teaching altogether. Canter. 1997) Teachers feel overwhelmed and â€Å"powerless† in dealing with behavior problems in their classrooms. Canter (1997) pointed out that in the past, a simple stem look or warning was sufficient to shape up a classroom. â€Å"Misbehavior,† as Doyle contends, â€Å"is any action by one or more students that threatens to disrupt the activity flow or pull the class toward a program of a ction that threatens the safety of the group or violates norm of appropriate classroom behavior held by the teacher, the students, or the school's staff† (Doyle, 1986; p. 396). 3. . The Emphasis in Classroom Management 3. 3. Influences on Classroom Management: According to Emmer and Stough (2001), some studies have used student achievement or attitude as outcomes. But most classroom management research today has been concerned with identifying how teachers bring about student engagement with each other and limit the disruptions in the classroom. The following account will summarize the work of some important behavior theorists and in turn will identify the influences that each has made on classroom behavior and management. 3. 3. 1.Burrhus Frederick Skinner Burrhus Frederick Skinner's philosophies can be related to the issue of classroom management. Skinner (Sprinthall, 1981) emphasized his research on how the organism learns, regardless of its inherited potential, regardless o f its stage of physical or psychological development, and often regardless of its species. In regards to the classroom, Skinner (Conte, 1994) stated that by rewarding students for good behavior and ignoring or punishing wrong behavior, students would come to understand how to behave in a classroom environment. . 3. 2. William Glasser Glasser's Reality Therapy (Emmer and Stough, 2001) stressed the use of choice as the cause of behavior, good or bad, and thus instructed teachers to direct students towards making value judgments about their behavior. By making value judgments, students would come to realize the importance of â€Å"good† choices in behavior and continue to make them again in the future. Therefore, students were taught the difference between a â€Å"good judgment†, and a â€Å"bad judgment.In today's classrooms, rewards are given for â€Å"good choices† and consequences are given for â€Å"bad choices†. This process t is used to promote good behavior and diminish bad behavior in the classroom. 3. 3. 3. Jacob Kounin Jacob Kounin and his colleagues engaged in substantial classroom management research. His work focused on determining whether specific behavior settings and environmental conditions influenced behavior. He also identified a set of teacher behaviors and lesson characteristics, including, wittiness, smoothness, momentum, overlapping and group alerting.These characteristics would describe a teacher who knew what was going on at all times in the classroom and was able to deal with more than one issue or problem at a time. Kounin (Conte, 1994) thought teachers who could be that â€Å"aware† would be better managers of children in the classroom. 3. 3. 4. Abraham H. Maslow Maslow's research on hierarchy of needs has also influenced effective classroom management. Helping students meet their own needs is of the utmost importance to enhance student learning opportunities and to maintain teacher longevity in the classroom.Maslow (as cited in Sprinthall, 1981, p. 327) an important psychologist in the area of motivation theory, has suggested that there is a definite order in which individuals attempt to satisfy their needs. Maslow had declared there is an â€Å"order-of-importance† that is universal among all humans. Herbert Grossman (Gordon, 2001) recaps students' basic needs and the order which those needs must be met to produce well balanced members of society. 3. 4. Role of Teacher as Classroom Manager:According to Honeyford (1982) a major limiting factor in any classroom is the teacher; not only do his character, personality and competence play a large part in determining the atmosphere of the lesson, the sort of relationships which exist, the styles of communication and the rules and regulations governing the formalities, but the teacher also performs a key role in influencing the pupils’ view of himself and the sort of progress he/she makes. Successful classroom manageme nt has been defined as producing a high rate of work involvement with a low rate of deviancy in academic settings (Laslett and Smith, 1984).Well-managed classrooms did not result from magic, but that carefully established and maintained procedures should be at work (Sadker and Sadker, 1997). 3. 4. 1. Time management skill Academic learning time in the classroom has emerged as an important variable. Studies have shown that the amount of on-task behavior can vary as much as 40 percent from one classroom to the next. Even how quickly a teacher calls the class to order can vary all the way from one to ten minutes. Thus, how fficiently you have your lessons, how long you take to get started, how you handle digressions, off-task behavior, discipline and how you handle transitions will have an effect on student learning(Walberg,1988). 3. 4. 2. Seating arrangement Arrangements of space and furniture in ways that bunch students together or obstruct the teacher’s view make it more diff icult for a teacher to detect behavior task initiations early (Duke and Rehage, 1979). Seating arrangement must depend on the type of lesson to be taught, and the type of classroom furniture.Proper arrangement of furniture also contributes to the functionality of classrooms. Furniture is arranged so that students are oriented to the primary source or sources of information (e. g. , the teacher, audio-visual materials), while at the same time having access to other sources of activities (e. g. , work areas, computers) without disturbing in the classroom (Nitsaisook and Anderson, 1989). According to Anderson (1991) desks, chairs and tables can be arranged in a variety of ways; light and temperature can be increased or decreased. 3. 4. 3. Discipline in the classroomCallahan (1996) asserts that the best classroom environment is one that results in efficient learning. Discipline involves employing guidance and teaching techniques to encourage students to become self directive and thus to create an atmosphere conducive to learning. A teacher establishes classroom rules either with his or her students or before the school year begins. Rules are best if they are few in number, simple and easy to understand, and fair. Also rules should be posted in the classroom for all to see, and the teacher should go over the rules on the first day of school. 3. 4. 4.Dealing with disruptive students In order to handle misbehaving student, the following suggestions may prove helpful: †¢Deal with the present, current problem immediately, not with the past instances of the student misbehavior. †¢Talk to the student directly, instead of talking about him with others. †¢Don’t be harsh and provoked. Stay calm and address firmly. Anger, empty threats and physical handling must be avoided. †¢If the student’s misbehavior is impeding the teacher in teaching, â€Å"1statements† be used by explaining to the student why you are upset by his behavior. 3. 4 . 5. Exhibit Assertive BehaviorAssertive behavior differs significantly from both passive behavior and aggressive behavior. This researcher Emmer elaborates that teacher’s display assertive behavior in the classroom when they: †¢Use assertive body language by maintaining an erect posture, facing the offending student but keeping enough distance so as not to appear threatening and matching the facial expression with the content of the message being presented to students. †¢Use an appropriate tone of voice, speaking clearly and deliberately in a pitch that is slightly but not greatly elevated from normal classroom speech, avoiding any display of emotions in the voice. Persist until students respond with the appropriate behavior. Do not ignore an inappropriate behavior; do not be diverted by a student denying, arguing, or blaming, but listen to legitimate explanations. 3. 5. Addressing Problematic Student Behavior Reports of problematic behaviors are on the rise nation ally in Pakistan, not only in the classroom but in society at large (Kowalski, 2003). Some of these immature, irritating, or thoughtless behaviors or â€Å"classroom incivilities† include: †¢Lateness or leaving early †¢Side conversations †¢Disregard for deadlines Grade grubbing †¢Sniping remarks †¢Cheating These behaviors are not just instructors’ pet peeves; they have real costs including: †¢Distracting other students and instructor in class †¢Reducing student participation †¢Lowering other students' and instructor’s motivation in or out of class †¢Affecting fairness in grading †¢Using instructor time unproductively †¢Feeling disrespected as a fellow learner or authority figure 3. 6. Possible Causes: In order to limit or deal effectively with these behaviors, it is important to understand the factors that cause or facilitate them. . 6. 1. Attention Dreikurs believed that most students start misbehaving by s eeking attention, and when this fails, they move on to more problematic goal-seeking behaviors, such as power. 3. 6. 2. Power Some students don't hesitate to take a stand on matters important to them and are often disruptive and confrontational in reaching their goal. 3. 6. 3. Revenge Some students compensate for real or imagined hurt feelings and they target teacher or students for revenge. Revenge may come in the form of a physical and/or psychological attack. 3. 6. . Avoidance of Failure Wanting to avoid repeated failure, some students appear to be discouraged and helpless. This phenomenon, described as â€Å"learned helplessness† by psychologists, is characteristic of students who fail needlessly because they do not invest their best efforts. `3. 7. Possible Strategies: Sorcinelli (2002) suggests 4 principles to reduce incivilities. The principles are broad and so each one can be used to generate several concrete strategies. 3. 7. 1. Define expectations at the outset. â⠂¬ ¢Make good use of the first day of class.Use the first day to create the right climate for productive interaction. †¢Allow student participation in setting ground rules. Having students participate in setting the rules for classroom behavior and interaction 3. 7. 2. Decrease anonymity †¢Engage students one-on-one. Use the time right before and after class to make small talk with students. Ask about the weekend, or the homework, or common interests. †¢Learn and use names consistently and let students know that you are trying to memorize their names in the first weeks. 3. 7. 3. Encourage active learning.Meaningful engagement has obvious benefits for student learning and performance, but it can also bring some side benefits with respect to student behavior in the classroom. In fact, Sorcinelli (1991) points out that in classes that use active learning effectively, students †¢Feel more responsible for coming to class, and coming prepared †¢Pay more attention in class †¢Feel more responsible for their learning. The next chapter deals with research methodology. 4. Research Methodology In this chapter of research methodology, researcher has talked about the main research questions, research instruments and procedure. . 1. Research Questions: The present study focused on the following two questions: 4. 1. 1. How can the teacher maintain positive student behavior in the classrooms? 4. 1. 2. How far do the classroom rules have a significant effect on student’s behavior? 4. 2. Participants When defining the population upon which the research is to be focused, the researcher must take sampling decisions in the overall planning of the research. Due to the factors of expense, time and accessibility it may not be possible or practical to obtain measures from a population.Researchers, hence endeavor to collect information from a smaller group or subset of the population in such a way that knowledge gained is representative of total popu lation of the study. The Researcher used non-probability sampling for this study. The sampling framework which suited the research was convenience sampling. It involves the nearest convenient individuals to serve as respondents and continuing the process until the required sample size has been obtained. Non-probability sampling is best suited for a small scale survey.It’s far less complicated to set up, less expensive and adequate if researchers don’t intend to generalize the findings beyond the sample in question. The researcher visited 5 English medium schools for questionnaire survey and classroom observation, which were located in urban area of Lahore city. All the schools were private and all girls’ institutions. The researcher observed the students of Grade 7th in the real classroom situation and tried to assess the ways teachers can control/minimize misbehavior in their classrooms. The total number of sample population was 60 students.Age of the students was 12-13 years old. 4. 3. Research Instruments: The researcher used two tools. 4. 3. 1. Questionnaire Survey Questionnaires were used by the researcher to obtain the required data. It was an easier way to get relevant data from a large population. The researcher distributed questionnaires among 30 teachers and asked them to fill in their responses. The questionnaire was piloted before it was given to the participants. The questionnaires were administered to middle school teachers and the responds were examined. In this way data was collected from English medium schools of Lahore.Questionnaire contain 20 questions, among them 15 questions are close ended and 5 questions are open ended. Questionnaires can provide quantitative data using closed (or fixed-response) questions, where the respondent is presented with a number of alternative responses to a question and asked to mark the one that they feel is most appropriate. Researcher has used licked scale for this, which include five op tions such as strongly agree, agree, neutral, disagree and strongly disagree. Closed questions have been criticised for forcing people to choose their answer from the alternatives provided rather than answering in their own words.Qualitative data can be gathered using open (or free-response) questions to which respondents are asked to write their own answer 4. 3. 2. Classroom Observation Classroom Observation was undertaken in order to get a proper insight into the problem being explored. The researcher undertook four classroom observations that are widely used to measure changes in classroom behaviors. Classroom observation is confidential and it is an objective recording of what the instructor is doing and saying, what the students are doing and saying and interactions between the instructor and students.The researcher visited 5 different schools, and observed the students of Grade 7th in the real classroom situation. Classroom observation as a research and evaluation method can p rovide reliable and valid data on how teachers and students behave in the classroom before and after an intervention. It will explain the criteria for selecting an appropriate classroom observation protocol and examine under what circumstances classroom observation protocols can be used effectively.In the context of the current study special emphasis was placed on the use of classroom observation to examine how the teacher dealt with problematic students in the real classroom situation. 4. 4. Pilot Testing Both the research instruments, questionnaire and classroom observation was piloted before it was given to the participants. 4. 5. Ethical Considerations The information provided by the participants should remain confidential. For this purpose of confidentiality, informed consent form was signed by all the participants before the study was started. 4. 6. ProcedureThe researcher distributed questionnaires among 30 teachers and asked them to fill in their responses. The questionnaire s were administered to middle school teachers and the responds were examined. In this way data was collected from English medium schools of Lahore. Researcher distributed questionnaire among participants and collect the filled questionnaires from them next day. Researchers left the questionnaires with the participants and give them time of one day, so that they can have enough time to fill them. 5. Analysis For the coding of data, researcher runs spss. . Conclusion The effective use of behavioral and cognitive strategies in the classroom may appear daunting even to experienced teachers. The purpose of this research was to determine which management techniques and practices were most effective in the classroom in controlling student behavior, based upon critical analysis of the research literature. The aim of the research was to enable students to develop the knowledge, skills and attitudes about classroom management and the objective was to identify approaches for managing student b ehavior.However, changing your behavior and strategies is often the most efficient and effective means of improving all types of classroom behaviors, both disruptive and non-disruptive. So is has been concluded after the research that teachers first need to understand these problems regarding students behavior and then try to find solutions by seeing the world through the eyes of their students. And then developing and using a set of intervention strategies on a regular basis, problems of emotions and behavior can be effectively managed and changed in the classroom.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Us and Them Essay

The story of â€Å"Us and Them† consists of three types of irony: situational, dramatic, and verbal. These types make the story more interesting as a reader. Irony can be used in the sense of tricking the reader into one thing happening, but a completely other event takes place. This keeps the reader intrigued and is excited to see what happens next due to the fact that nothing is predictable.In the story, the child uses a variety of irony, an example of dramatic irony is when Sedaris is spying on the Tomkeys and they are not aware of this. This is an example of dramatic irony because the author of the story knows something that the characters don't. This can entertain the readers by going into the Tomkeys lives without them knowing it.The second type of irony is situational, an example in the story is when the Tomkeys show up at the Sedaris's house a day after Halloween, the author's mom makes him and his sisters go get their candy wanting not to be rude, the author starts ra ting the candy, rating from best to least. After a couple minutes of stalling, his mother barges into his room and starts gathering the candy herself, he starts to stuff his face with the chocolate where he has mentioned before that he gets bad headaches from this candy.This is a type of situational irony because you would not have expected Sedaris to eat the candy that would make him have a terrible headache just so that the Tomkeys couldn't have it. The third type of irony is verbal, an example in the story is when the author's mother tells him to look at himself, the reader would probably expect something else as in a mirror, but the author actually takes a moment to reflect on his behavior and look at how he has acted toward the Tomkeys all because they don't watch TV.This is a good example of verbal irony because this keeps the reader entertained by seeing a new side of the author thats not completely indulged in the Tomkeys's lives. All of these different types of irony can ma ke almost any story interesting and hard to put down, the reader may find it intriguing to expect one thing and completely have another event take place. In this story you will get three different types of irony all at different points in the story, so never will the story be a boring read.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Why has EU been able to successfully develop a common trade policy but Essay

Why has EU been able to successfully develop a common trade policy but not a common foreign policy - Essay Example The member countries have contradicted each other on several occasions not only with reference to the dealing with the foreign countries, but have reservations regarding the nature of role to be played by the EU. The strong members of the EU are of the opinion that EU should be reflected as European Power, but few member countries have come up with objections against such strategies, and have led to further divisions in approach and understanding of the member country (Roland, 2004). The chief of EU Solana has concluded that the involvement of the EU can not be merely judged by the presence of the EU in different countries and international organizations, but the influence of the EU authority is important element, and unfortunately the EU due to lack of co-ordination has failed to achieve that particular status and principal role. The chief has offered different solutions in this regard, which includes, The foreign ministers of the member countries have agreed with these principles, and it was discouraging to observe that EU has not conducted that suggested approach towards any of foreign government, therefore it has been realized that there is need for greater synergy between the EU and member-state activities, but the Union found it difficult to implement such approach and understanding. The Union has to work constructively in this regard, but unfortunately the member countries have reflected the similar status of ineffective co-ordination and hopelessly noncommittal which existed after the formation of European Political Cooperation (Winters, 2002). There is requirement for the introduction and implementation of radical reforms which can contribute towards the achievement of Common Foreign and Security Policy. The reasons attributed with the failure of the EU towards commonality of interests and understanding on foreign issues, is also explained by following reasons, The EU administrative officials, Brussels based, are national capitals

Friday, September 27, 2019

Homeless Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Homeless - Assignment Example Homeless population experiences enormous challenges in both access and care relative to utilization of health care. Paraphrasing and citing is an exciting experience, but one that is characterized by a number of challenges. One of the critical challenges is trying to merge the author’s point of view with personal understanding of the text. The paraphrase must be consistent with the information that the author is trying to relay. Another challenge is expressing what is understood from the text without losing the intended meaning of presented theories and concepts. The articulation of these aspects and subsequently citing them constitutes the highlighted challenges. To overcome the above challenges, it is important that one reads and understands the text before paraphrasing and citing the text. Doing so will ensure that the most critical points are captured and cited appropriately. Taking some time to view text reviews and use of text information in other sources can effectively aid and enhance the paraphrasing and citing experience. Consequently, the underlying challenges are

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Knowledge and Its Affect on the Society and Its Spontaneous Essay

Knowledge and Its Affect on the Society and Its Spontaneous - Essay Example To answer this Althusser (1978) coined the term â€Å"Ideological State Apparatuses† and â€Å"Repressive State Apparatuses†, gives that necessary epistemological break, more analytically than Gramsci (1971), in his theory of social â€Å"hegemony†. In contrast to Bourdieu's concept of habitus, the Ideological State Apparatuses consist of social institutions like school, university etc that help spread a particular discourse of thought-process and archetypal pattern of understanding in a particular way (like Christian concept of good and evil). The Repressive State Apparatus are agents of repression, like the Police, that teach by force and thus maintain the necessary consensus. While the institutions teach through the medium of language that is itself coloured with discursive power to subjugate a subject in the given hegemony almost without any conflict or force. Lacan (1968) explains this linguistic paradox in his theory of language where he says that the stage when s subject enters the realm of the â€Å"symbolic† sphere, the self/consciousness becomes a complex site where one loses the capability to express beyond that given medium of language, which is finite and a complex site of power play. Language is not neutral, but an agent of defining this ideological and hegemonic base. Quite pessimistically, the answer has been given as no. Since the state is a billion-eyed monster keeping a watch on its subject (imagine Orwell’s 1984), the state apparatuses reach out adventitiously even to the furthest grass-root level and teach by force or by apparently ‘neutral’ force to form subjects who cannot escape this ‘interpellation’ (Althusser).

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

IKEA Inc. United Kingdom (UK) operation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

IKEA Inc. United Kingdom (UK) operation - Essay Example IKEA was founded in Sweden in 1943 by Ingvar Kamprad Elmtaryd Agunnaryd. The company’s name represents the initials of its founding father. Since the begging Mr. Kamprad had the vision of creating furniture products of good quality in which he applied low cost solutions to lower the prices. IKEA has grown tremendously over the years to become a global enterprise. Currently the company has 220 stores in 33 countries. In the United Kingdom the company has 15 stores. The product offering consist of over 11,000 articles. The great variety, innovative designs, and low prices are some of the reasons customers keep coming back to IKEA for their furniture needs. Exhibit A shows a graph of IKEA worldwide sales. In 2005 IKEA sales were 14.8 billion euros. IKEA utilizes low cost, green furniture and e-retailing strategies to grow its business. The United Kingdom is a country with a strong economy that the company has targeted as a location to expand its business. Designing products to meet the needs of the customers and constant market research will allow the company to expand its global empire. Political and Economic Forces The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland is one the world’s most powerful nations. It is a member of the Group of Eight (G8), whose inclusion means the country is one of the top eight industrialized countries in the world. ... Managerial Implications IKEA is a company with a proven long-term strategy. The company’s great product variety, low prices and logistics has helped them become a global player in the furniture business. They have focused in the European market, which generates 81% of their corporate revenues. A glaring weakness is the fact the company has not entered the South American market. In South America there are many developing economies such as Brazil and Chile should be targeted in future expansion plans. The US market is another region which has a lot of potential for growth. Currently only 11% of their sales are generated in the United States. The company should study what has worked in their US stores and apply that knowledge to increase their market share. Multiply viability studies must be underway to scout new locations for establishments in this region. IKEA has utilized catalogs and the internet as marketing tools to generate sales. The United Kingdom is a great place to test new technologies and realize market research. The business e-commerce strategy would be enhanced if the company developed or acquire a technology to identify the entry of new users into the internet. The company’s corporate website utilizes a lot flash technology and animations which require users to have a high-speed internet connection. Refinements and web site optimization techniques could help the company increase its online traffic.

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

The form and function of Concept Store Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4750 words

The form and function of Concept Store - Essay Example The research adopted a survey research design, combining exploratory, inductive, and qualitative study approaches. The exploratory element involved developing research questions, for presentation to selected concept stores staff members and customers, from examining relevant theoretical information on this type of stores. It was possible to look for patterns in the acquired information, while analyzing extant observations made by customers and concept store employees. In consideration of the qualitative study approach, the research involved observation, administration of the structured questions to chosen research subjects, and comprehensive interviews. The focus groups comprised of select individuals from diverse genders, from different regions, and customers who frequented selected concept stores. The comprehensive nature of the research design made it possible to collect already recorded information, as well as, first hand information hence providing a basis for comparison of exta nt and new information. Shopping luxury, associated with fashion retailing in mid and upscale markets, is progressively shifting from product sale to enhancement of customer experience, through specific design considerations in the form and function of concept stores. This chapter aims at providing an in depth analysis of literature addressing the emergence, development, and present day status of concept stores. The analysis of literature seeks to primarily focus on the design aspects of concept stores.

Monday, September 23, 2019

Analysis of a Job Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 1

Analysis of a Job - Research Paper Example The Marketing Manager is responsible to develop and maintain marketing strategies in order to achieve the agreed company objectives. The responsibility includes evaluation of customer research, market condition, competitor data and take decision of altering the marketing plans as required. The Marketing Manager role involves overseeing all marketing, advertising and promotional staffs and activities. Should have the ability to build trust, communicate effectively, drive execution, foster the culture of innovation, focus on timely delivery of products to customers, collaborative in nature, creatively solving problems and demonstrate high integrity. It necessary for the on boarded Marketing Manager to undergo certain company specific on boarding activities and training in order to know more about the company. There would be a 4 week on boarding program for the Marketing Manager where the candidate would be undergoing training from the supervisor, peers and if possible from the subordinates in the job function. First one week of the on boarding training would include the company culture and nature of the business of the company. The second week would comprise of the getting to know about the team and the team members with whom the Marketing Manager would work. The third week will be focused on learning the business strategies and the methods by which the company generally operates the business along with the current customers and clientele. Finally fourth week would be the on the job training where the Marketing Manager is expected to as per the learning of past three weeks. This is a compulsory training that the new Marketing m anager needs to undergo in order to start the work in the company. The Annual compensation package for the position is $85,528 with $5578 as the annual performance bonus. The Marketing Manager position is entitled to receive many other benefits, which include Social Security, 401K/403B value benefits, disability

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Alcoholism Essay Example for Free

Alcoholism Essay Alcoholism is an issue that affects a person as well as the society at large. Despite me not being an alcoholic, I have had friends and relatives who have had to deal with the issue. Alcoholism is a personal issue; however, it also affects the society in many ways. The society is directly and indirectly affected by people who overindulge and constantly abuse alcohol. Furthermore, people become alcoholics because of personal as well as societal issues. For example, a personal can become an alcoholic because of losing a close person; however, he can still become an alcoholic because of living in a society that has a poor economy which leads to frustration and depression. Alcoholism is a personal issue when it does not affect anyone else but the alcoholic; however, it becomes a social issue when it affects the society in various ways. The society becomes victim to alcoholism due to a number of reasons. For instance, many accidents are caused as a result of drunk driving. In addition, alcoholics can commit crimes such as theft in order to get money for drinking. Alcoholism can be solved when alcoholics address their personal issues instead of avoiding them through drinking. In addition, they can also go to rehabilitation centers where they can get treatment and be counseled on ways of dealing with their issues and how to avoid drinking. Solving the issue from a personal perspective also helps in solving it from a societal level. Alcoholism from a social standpoint can be treated by creating awareness and sensitization about the issue and the negative effects that it has on society.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Edward Estlin Cummings Essay Example for Free

Edward Estlin Cummings Essay Edward Estlin Cummings or E. E. Cummings,as he was popularly called was an American poet, painter, essayist, author, and playwright. His body of work encompasses approximately 2,900 poems, two autobiographical novels, four plays and several essays, as well as numerous drawings and paintings. He is remembered as a preeminent voice of 20th century poetry. One of his major work is the poem â€Å" I thank You God†. The poem by e. e. cummings, titled I thank you God for most this amazing suggests a way of perception that differs from ordinary vision. We notice first in this poem that the day itself is seen as amazing; the spirits of trees that leap suggest their form; the sky is a blue true dream, and everything is natural, infinite and yes. The speaker is almost breathless; he hardly pauses, having no space even between his semi-colons. We find the poet both dead, then reborn in his communication with the earth and with nature; he is gradually converted into a new realm of awareness. As in the case of any small child, he views the earths existence in the language of his newfound cognizancehe is reborn, thus so is the sun and life and love and wings, even the earth itself. All things are new precisely because he is renewed. Next, his senses become the conduits to the metaphysical. By the word God he could mean a personal deity or a pantheist unity unimaginable in essence. The gist of the poem speaks more effectively to the formerglorying in the senses arises from gratitude, which begs a subject. It would be difficult to be grateful to impersonality. Rather, the poem takes on a sacramental meaning; the poet penetrates the world, and the earth itselfas it shouldbecomes the conduit to unearthly faith. The speaker is finite, a human merely being grasping for the unimaginable infinite, and discovering faith through what is; in other words, through the physicality of the earth surrounding him. Hence, he concludes, now the ears of my ears awake and/now the eyes of my eyes are opened, an allusion to a common motif running through much of the Christian Scriptures. Ecclesiastes, for instance, contains a lament for the eye not filled with seeing; the prophet Isaiah condemns those with ears who do not hear because of hardened hearts. The poets enlightenment, interestingly, begins with gratitude and an appreciation for nature, the sun and sky, and this is what leads to life and love and wings, all of which erase doubt. This is an unusual route to enlightenment, and unlike pantheism (which in its many forms begins with a fundamental rejection of nature as illusory and ends with the abdication of the self). Rather, cummings affirms with humility his humanity and all of nature, the great happening illimitably earth. The process he describes thus begins with thanks and revelry in the senses and ends with faith and enlightenment.